People create their own knowledge
Constructivism looks at learning as the way a learner constructs their own knowledge. It is an active process where the learner must use higher orders of thinking like reasoning, reflecting, and justifying through exploring, questioning, and problem-solving.
The instructor's role is to act as the More Knowledgeable Other in the Zone of Proximal Development and help the learner get from where they are, in terms of knowledge, to a higher place of understanding. This could be through demonstration, planned activity, or deliberate questions.
The Educator's Role
Teaching Typing with Constructivist Approach:
Additional learning outcomes I might include to teach students how to type might include:
• Share shortcuts you learn by advancing through your typing game with peers by creating a running “cheat sheet”
• Reflect on keystrokes that earn bonus points during typing game round
Zone of Proximal Development- This zone would include learners already being familiar with typing yet not correctly using their fingers to efficiently and effectively memorize and utilize a common keyboard or 10-key. The more knowledgeable other could share shortcuts and explain a common keyboard to learners.
Scaffolding Strategy:
Scaffolding would be built into the online typing game by providing feedback about finger placement on the keyboard in earlier, less advanced, levels and this would taper off as the learner mastered the keyboard and memorized the keys.
Social Constructivist Strategy An online space (maybe a chat feature or interaction) where players could share their shortcuts to advance in the “Game” being played in their online typing instruction. This could be interactive and helpful as learners begin to apply their knowledge of the keyboard and its functions and not merely memorize finger placement for typing.
Constructivism. (2016, September 08). Retrieved from
Mcleod, S. (2019, March 24). The Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding. Retrieved from
Ostafichuk, D. (2015, November 07). Constructivism and Technology. Retrieved from
Tchoshanov, M. (2013). Retrieved from